Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yesterday Jerry, Joel, Jennifer and I went to the place my family lived from about 1963 to 1967. It is Coal Creek Canyon, over by Golden. I explored the old grade school there. My childhood friend, Virginia Binkley's house is still there a ways from the school playground. It definitely does not look the same, but the pond is still there with the dock. We went up to our old house. It definitely does not look the same, but has had several improvements. Unfortunately the fireplace isn't one of them. They have taken all the rock off the inside that we worked so hard to put on. They have put a spiral staircase in where the boys used to sleep and put a master bedroom and bath in a new upstairs. They have added a really nice size kitchen and dining area, with windows all around. The old barn is still there. The yard is sure smaller than I remember it. The people were really nice, and I appreciate them letting us come in and look around.


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